Readme -- Research data supporting "Flexibility defines structure in crystals of amphiphilic DNA nanostars" All SAXS data used to produce Figure 3 of the main text can be found within the Zip folder ''. All data was collected at the Diamond Light Source over two visits, ID's sm16024 and sm17271. A folder for each visit can be found within '', named 'DiamondLightSource_VisitID_X', where X is the visit ID number. Within each of these folders can be found subfolders for each of the samples investigated during that visit, all relevant buffers, and a silver behenate (AgBe) calibrant. Naming conventions for all samples and buffers are conserved from the main text. Folders are thus named 'Nfree=Y_Z',where; Y denotes the number of unpaired bases at the central junction, (Y=0,1,4), Z denotes the identity of the salt present within the buffer, (Z=MgCl2 or NaCl). Raw data found here was processed as described in the methods section of the main text.