This Rose_2021_readme.txt file was generated on 2021-09-29 by Alice Rose GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Title of Dataset: Research data supporting 'Life in Medieval Cambridge: an isotopic analysis of diet and mobility' 2. Author Information A. Author Contact Information Name: Alice Rose Institution: University of Cambridge Address: Department of Archaeology, Downing Street, Cambridge, CB2 3DZ Email: B. Thesis Supervisor Contact Information Name: Dr Tamsin O'Connell Institution: University of Cambridge Address: Department of Archaeology, Downing Street, Cambridge, CB2 3DZ Email: C. 'After the Plague' project Principal Investigator Contact Information Name: Professor John Robb Institution: University of Cambridge Address: Department of Archaeology, Downing Street, Cambridge, CB2 3DZ Email: 3. Date of data collection: 2016-2020 4. Geographic location of data collection: Cambridgeshire, UK. Centred on city of Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, UK. Grid reference TL 44909 58455. 5. Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data: Wellcome Trust Award 2000368/Z/15/Z 2016-2021. British Archaeological Association Ochs Scholarship 2020. SHARING/ACCESS INFORMATION 1. Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: CC-BY 2. Links to publications that cite or use the data: Thesis 'Life in Medieval Cambridge: an isotopic analysis of diet and mobility' (Rose, 2020). 3. Links to other publicly accessible locations of the data: None at the time of production of this document 4. Links/relationships to ancillary data sets: 'After the Plague' project monograph forthcoming 5. Was data derived from another source? Some previously generated isotope data from published and unpublished studies of archaeological human and faunal remains from Cambridgeshire were included in the primary dataset. References: Barrett, J.H., Orton, D., Johnstone, C., Harland, J., Van Neer, W., Ervynck, A., Roberts, C., Locker, A., Amundsen, C., Enghoff, I.B., Hamilton-Dyer, S., Heinrich, D., Hufthammer, A.K., Jones, A.K.G., Jonsson, L., Makowiecki, D., Pope, P., O’Connell, T.C., de Roo, T., and Richards, M., 2011. Interpreting the expansion of sea fishing in medieval Europe using stable isotope analysis of archaeological cod bones. Journal of Archaeological Science, 38 (7), 1516–1524. Friedman, L., 2007. Isotopic investigation of the human remains from the late Roman cemetery at Babraham, Cambridgeshire. University of Cambridge. (Unpublished MPhil Thesis) Hannah, E., 2015. Anglo-Saxon diet in the conversion period: a comparative isotopic study of human remains from the cemeteries of Melbourn, Cambridgeshire & Polhill, Kent, using carbon and nitrogen. University of Cambridge. (Unpublished MPhil Thesis) Hannah, E.L., McLaughlin, T.R., Keaveney, E.M., and Hakenbeck, S.E., 2018. Anglo-Saxon diet in the Conversion period: A comparative isotopic study using carbon and nitrogen. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 19, 24–34. Lucy, S., Newman, R., Dodwell, N., Hills, C., Dekker, M., O’Connell, T., Riddler, I., and Walton Rogers, P., 2009. The burial of a princess? The later seventh-century cemetery at Westfield Farm, Ely. The Antiquaries Journal, 89, 81–141. Price, M. 2013. How did the social changes of the fourteenth century affect the everyday lives of English people? A case study from St John’s Divinity School, Cambridge. University of Cambridge. (Unpublished Undergraduate Dissertation) (full bibliography available in Rose 2020) 6. Recommended citation for this dataset: Rose, A. 2020. Research data supporting 'Life in Medieval Cambridge: an isotopic analysis of diet and mobility'. PhD Thesis, University of Cambridge. DATA & FILE OVERVIEW 1. File List: ROSE_2020_CBG_FAUNAL_ISOTOPE_DATA.csv: Primary isotope data (d13C, d15N) for all Cambridgeshire fauna analysed as part of the thesis 'Life in Medieval Cambridge: an isotopic analysis of diet and mobility' (Rose, 2020) ROSE_2020_CBG_HUMAN_ISOTOPE_DATA.csv: Primary isotope data (d13C, d15N, d18O, 87Sr/86Sr) and TIMS elemental concentration data for all Cambridgeshire humans analysed as part of the thesis 'Life in Medieval Cambridge: an isotopic analysis of diet and mobility' (Rose, 2020) (integrated with columns from the 'After the Plague' project Access Database so column formatting is not uniform)[NOTE: raw isotope data from unpublished sources has been redacted, except Price 2013] ROSE_2020_COMP_FAUNAL_ISOTOPE_DATA.csv: Comparative faunal isotope data (d13C, d15N) from sites in Britain (excluding islands) collected from published and unpublished sources and used in thesis 'Life in Medieval Cambridge: an isotopic analysis of diet and mobility' (Rose, 2020). [NOTE: raw isotope data from unpublished sources has been redacted] ROSE_2020_COMP_HUMAN_ISOTOPE_DATA.csv: Comparative human isotope data (d13C, d15N, d18O, 87Sr/86Sr) from High/Late Medieval sites in Britain (excluding islands) collected from published and unpublished sources and used in thesis 'Life in Medieval Cambridge: an isotopic analysis of diet and mobility' (Rose, 2020) [NOTE: raw isotope data from unpublished sources has been redacted] 2. Relationship between files, if important: N/A 3. Additional related data collected that was not included in the current data package: Incremental dentine collagen d13C and d15N data also generated by A.Hirons but not included here. Raw data used from unpublished sources (Undergraduate, Master's and PhD theses) has been redacted, but see thesis 'Life in Medieval Cambridge: an isotopic analysis of diet and mobility' (Rose, 2020) for references for the datasets. 4. Are there multiple versions of the dataset? Not at time of production of this document, although subsets may be published in future publications METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION 1. Description of methods used for collection/generation of data: The samples were collected as part of the 'After the Plague' project, following sampling guidelines by the Advisory Panel on the Archaeology of Burials in England (APABE) (Mays et al. 2013) and the British Association for Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology (BABAO) (Redfern 2019). Samples were recorded in accordance with guidelines outlined by BABAO, the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists (CIfA) and the Bradford Biological Anthropology Research Centre (BARC) (Brickley & McKinley 2004; Mitchell & Brickley 2017). Isotopic analysis was carried out following the Standard Operating Procedures of the McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, University of Cambridge and the Earth Sciences Department, University of Cambridge. See thesis 'Life in Medieval Cambridge: an isotopic analysis of diet and mobility' (Rose, 2020) for detailed methodologies. Comparative human and faunal isotope data was collected from published and unpublished (theses, dissertations) sources. Data was not used if the sampled material was not recorded in detail, or was not comparable to the primary dataset (e.g. human long bone collagen used instead of rib bone collagen). CAVEAT: The data deposited here is exactly as used in the thesis 'Life in Medieval Cambridge: an isotopic analysis of diet and mobility' (Rose, 2020) but it should be acknowledged that research by the ‘After the Plague’ project was ongoing at the time of submission of the thesis and therefore some of the archaeological, osteological and pathological data listed in this dataset may be subject to change in light of new research. Please always check the latest publications for accurate contextual data. 2. Methods for quality assurance and processing of the data (how the submitted data was generated from the raw or collected data): All isotopic samples were analysed alongside in-house standards and results were reported to international scales, where appropriate. Before any further processing, all batches of raw data from the mass spec was checked for consistency of in-house laboratory standards. If these were inconsistent, then the batch of results were rejected and the samples were re-run in the mass spec, where possible. All collagen carbon and nitrogen isotope results were quality checked to see if they were within the acceptable atomic C:N ratio range of 2.9-3.6 (DeNiro 1985) and above the minimum acceptable %C and %N threshold (taken as >13% for C and >4-5% for N (Ambrose 1990)). The standard deviation of the triplicated collagen carbon and nitrogen isotope aliquots was also checked. If any isotopic results did not meet quality checks, had a SD>0.2, or appeared to be far outside the expected range due to suspected sample preparation error, then the sample or aliquot was not used. Any comments on data exclusion etc are included in the SAMPLE_CAVEATS columns. In particular, there was a high failure rate with the strontium isotope data so see ENAMEL_METAL_SAMPLE_CAVEATS for explanations and check ENAMEL_METALS_GENERALLY_USABLE_DATA column to see recommendations on whether the data should be considered to be reliable. Processes for newly generated faunal collagen carbon and nitrogen isotope data: 1 Initial checks of IRMS data as recommended by McDonald Institute protocols - in-house standard values, sample peaks, C:N ratios, amount of C&N (if a batch failed checks, then all or part of data was rejected. Samples which produced rejected data were re-run in the mass spec, where possible. If passed, moved onto step 2) 2 Inserted into large MASTER datasheet - effectively a long-form digital labbook recording data from paper labbook, along with workings and notes 3 Calculated MEAN and STDEV.P from triplicate RAW values (i.e. to number of decimal places that were reported from mass spec) 4 Checked STDEV.P values - anything >0.2 was checked and one of the triplicate values was manually removed from the mean and SD calculations if it was obvious which was different 5 Created ROUNDED mean and STDDEV.P values at end of MASTER sheet, along with key columns for SCRUBBED_FAUNAL_DATA datasheet 6 Data copied from MASTER datasheet to SCRUBBED_FAUNAL_DATA datasheet 7 Removed unnecessary columns, such as RAW mass spec data 8 Imported SCRUBBED_FAUNAL_DATA datasheet into R Studio and merged into wide-form by PSN 9 Exported wide-form data set back into Excel as ATP_PRIMARY_FAUNAL_DATA 10 Imported ATP_PRIMARY_FAUNAL_DATA into R Studio for further analyses 11 Archived here in CSV: 'ROSE_2020_CBG_FAUNAL_ISOTOPE_DATA' Processes for newly generated human collagen carbon and nitrogen isotope data: 1 Initial checks of IRMS data as recommended by McDonald Institute protocols - in-house standard values, sample peaks, C:N ratios, amount of C&N (if a batch failed checks, then all or part of data was rejected. Samples which produced rejected data were re-run in the mass spec, where possible. If passed, moved onto step 2) 2 Inserted into large MASTER datasheet - effectively a long-form digital labbook recording data from paper labbook, along with workings and notes 3 Calculated MEAN and STDEV.P from triplicate RAW values (i.e. to number of decimal places that were reported from mass spec) 4 Checked STDEV.P values - anything >0.2 was checked and one of the triplicate values was manually removed from the mean and SD calculations if it was obvious which was different 5 Created ROUNDED mean and STDDEV.P values at end of MASTER sheet, along with key columns for SCRUBBED_COLLAGEN_DATA datasheet 6 Sorted data by PSN number 7 Data copied from MASTER datasheet to SCRUBBED_COLLAGEN_DATA datasheet 8 Removed accidently duplicated samples and samples for other purposes, e.g. C14 validation 9 Removed unnecessary columns, such as RAW mass spec data 10 Imported SCRUBBED_COLLAGEN_DATA datasheet into R Studio and merged into wide-form by PSN 11 Exported wide-form data set back into Excel as ATP_ALL_ORGANIC_ISOTOPES 12 Imported ATP_ALL_ORGANIC_ISOTOPES into the 'After the Plague' Access Database 13 Exported all isotope data, along with relevant contextual data from the 'After the Plague' Access Database as ALL_HUMAN_ISOTOPE_DATA 14 Imported ALL_HUMAN_ISOTOPE_DATA into R Studio for further analyses 15 Archived here in CSV: 'ROSE_2020_CBG_HUMAN_ISOTOPE_DATA' Processes for newly generated human carbonate carbon and oxygen isotope data: 1 Initial checks of mass spec data - in-house standard values (if a batch failed checks, then all or part of data was rejected. Samples which produced rejected data were re-run in the mass spec, where possible. If passed, moved onto step 2) 2 Inserted into large MASTER datasheet - effectively a long-form digital labbook recording data from paper labbook, along with workings and notes 3 Rounded RAW d13C and d18O values to 2DP 4 Calculated conversions from ROUNDED data using formulas given in Lightfoot & O'Connell (2016) 5 Sorted data by PSN number 6 Copied data from MASTER datasheet to SCRUBBED_CARBONATE_DATA datasheet 7 Removed unnecessary columns 8 Imported SCRUBBED_CARBONATE_DATA datasheet into R Studio and merged into wide-form by PSN 9 Exported wide-form data set back into Excel as ATP_ALL_ORGANIC_ISOTOPES 10 Imported ATP_ALL_ORGANIC_ISOTOPES into the 'After the Plague' Access Database 11 Exported all isotope data, along with relevant contextual data from the 'After the Plague' Access Database as ALL_HUMAN_ISOTOPE_DATA. 12 Imported ALL_HUMAN_ISOTOPE_DATA into R Studio for further analyses 13 Archived here in CSV: 'ROSE_2020_CBG_HUMAN_ISOTOPE_DATA' Processes for newly generated human enamel element concentration data: 1 Initial checks of ICP-OES data - in-house standard values, general expected concentrations (if batch failed checks, then data was rejected (no chance for re-run). If passed, moved onto step 2) 2 Inserted into Earth Science datasheet for calculating element concentrations. Element ratios calculated based on best r2 correlations of ICP-OES intensities of Al: 396.152, Ca: 315.887, Mg: 285.213, Sr: 421.552. Sr concentration (ppm) calculated using Weight% Ca in hydroxyapatite as calculated by H. Bradbury (39.8%) and in enamel by Driessens & Verbeeck (1990) in Combes et al. (2016) (36.6%) 3 Inserted into large MASTER datasheet - effectively a long-form digital labbook recording data from paper labbook, along with workings and notes 4 Sorted data by PSN number 5 Copied data from MASTER datasheet to SCRUBBED_DATA datasheet 6 Removed unnecessary columns 7 Imported SCRUBBED_DATA datasheet into R Studio and merged into wide-form by PSN 8 Exported wide-form data set back into Excel as ATP_ALL_INORGANIC_ISOTOPES 9 Imported ATP_ALL_INORGANIC_ISOTOPES into the 'After the Plague' Access Database 10 Exported all isotope data, along with relevant contextual data from the 'After the Plague' Access Database as ALL_HUMAN_ISOTOPE_DATA. 11 Imported ALL_HUMAN_ISOTOPE_DATA into R Studio for further analyses 12 Archived here in CSV: 'ROSE_2020_CBG_HUMAN_ISOTOPE_DATA' Processes for newly generated human enamel strontium isotope data: 1 Initial checks of TIMS data - in-house standard values (if a batch failed checks, then all or part of data was rejected. Samples which produced rejected data were re-run in the mass spec, where possible. If passed, moved onto step 2) 2 Inserted into large MASTER datasheet - effectively a long-form digital labbook recording data from paper labbook, along with workings and notes 3 Rounded RAW 87Sr/86Sr values to 4DP 4 Sorted data by PSN number 5 Copied data from MASTER datasheet to SCRUBBED_DATA datasheet 6 Removed unnecessary columns 7 Imported SCRUBBED_DATA datasheet into R Studio and merged into wide-form by PSN 8 Exported wide-form data set back into Excel as ATP_ALL_INORGANIC_ISOTOPES 9 Imported ATP_ALL_INORGANIC_ISOTOPES into the 'After the Plague' Access Database 10 Exported all isotope data, along with relevant contextual data from the 'After the Plague' Access Database as ALL_HUMAN_ISOTOPE_DATA. 11 Imported ALL_HUMAN_ISOTOPE_DATA into R Studio for further analyses 12 Archived here in CSV: 'ROSE_2020_CBG_HUMAN_ISOTOPE_DATA' 3. Standards and calibration information: Analysis of collagen samples and in-house standards (caffeine, alanine, nylon, protein, EMC) was carried out using a Costech automated elemental analyser coupled in continuous-flow mode with a Thermo Finnigan MAT253 isotope ratio mass spectrometer in the Godwin Laboratory, Department of Earth Sciences, Cambridge, by Catherine Kneale. All samples are reported on the international scale relative to VPDB for carbon and AIR for nitrogen (Hoefs 1997). Based on replicate analyses of standards, analytical error was <±0.2‰. Analysis of enamel carbonate and in-house faunal enamel carbonate standards was carried out on a Gas Bench II coupled to a Delta V mass spectrometer in the Godwin Laboratory, Department of Earth Sciences, Cambridge. All samples are measured and reported on the international scale relative to VPDB calibrated through the NBS19 standard (Coplen 1995, Hoefs 1997). Analytical error was <±0.08‰ for δ13C and <±0.10‰ for δ18O. Analysis of enamel and NBS 987 standards was carried out on ThermoScientific Triton+ TIMS in the Godwin Laboratory, Department of Earth Sciences, Cambridge. Analytical error was <±0.00001‰ for 87Sr/86Sr. 4. Environmental/experimental conditions: All preparation and analysis was carried out in the McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research or the Department of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge. 5. People involved with sample collection, processing, analysis and/or submission: O'Connell, Tamsin (Supervisor, 'After the Plague' project: isotope analyses) Robb, John ('After the Plague' project PI) Biers, Trish (Department of Archaeology Curator of the Duckworth Laboratory: sample co-ordination) Bradbury, Harold John (Department of Earth Sciences Research Associate: strontium isotope sample processing and analysis) Cessford, Craig ('After the Plague' project: archaeological and historical research, interpretation of radiocarbon dates) Dittmar, Jenna ('After the Plague' project post-doc: palaeopathology) Hamilton-Dyer, Sheila (Freelance zooarchaeology specialist: fish bone identification) Hui, Ruoyun ('After the Plague' project post-doc: aDNA, human genetics) Inskip, Sarah ('After the Plague' project post-doc: osteology, sample collection, database management) Kivisild, Toomas ('After the Plague' project: aDNA, genetics) Kneale, Catherine (McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research Senior Technician: training in isotope protocols, isotope analysis) Leggett, Samantha (McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research PhD Student: isotope sample processing) Price, Mary (Department of Archaeology Undergraduate Student: isotope sample processing (in 2012-13)) Mitchell, Piers ('After the Plague' project: palaeopathology) Muldner, Bram ('After the Plague' project PhD student: geometric morphometrics) Rajkovača, Vida (Cambridge Archaeological Unit: faunal bone identification) Rolfe, James (Department of Earth Sciences Senior Technical Officer: carbonate oxygen and carbon isotope analysis) Scheib, Christiana ('After the Plague' project post-doc: aDNA, genetics) Stock, Jay ('After the Plague' project Co-PI: geometric morphometrics) Thompson, Jess (McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research Research Associate: database management) Wiles, Justin (Cambridge Archaeological Unit: sample co-ordination) DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: ROSE_2020_CBG_FAUNAL_ISOTOPE_DATA.csv 1. Number of variables: 37 2. Number of cases/rows: 255 3. Variable List: VARIABLE Description ID Unique identifier as assigned by A.Rose SITE_NAME Archaeological site name SITE_PARISH Archaeological site parish SITE_DISTRICT Archaeological site district SITE_COUNTY Archaeological site county SITE_GRID_REF Archaeological site grid reference SITE_CODE Archive archaeological site code CAT_NUMBER Archive catalogue number CONTEXT_NUMBER Archive context number FEATURE_NUMBER Archive feature number TEST_PIT_NUMBER Archive test pit number PHASE Archaeological phase as given in report PERIOD General time period as given in report DATE General date range as given in report GENERAL_DATE_CODE Code for general archaeological/cultural period as assigned by A.Rose SPECIFIC_DATE_CODE Code for specific archaeological/cultural period as assigned by A.Rose SPECIFIC_DATE_CODELAB Label for specific archaeological/cultural period as assigned by A.Rose PLAGUE_CODE Code for pre/post-1350 as assigned by A.Rose TAXON_REPORTED Taxon as given in report TAXON Taxon as assigned by A.Rose TAXON_CODE Code for taxon as assigned by A.Rose TAXON_CODE_LAB Labels assigned to taxon by A.Rose PROXIMAL Fusion of proximal bone epiphyses as given in report DISTAL Fusion of distal bone epiphyses as given in report AGE_CATEGORY Age estimation based on bone fusion as given in report COLLAGEN_SAMPLE_NOTES Notes on faunal bone collagen isotope analysis ANALYTE Skeletal material analysed SKELETAL_ELEMENT_ANALYSED Skeletal element analysed as given in report LABEL Label used for sample for faunal bone collagen isotope analysis LABEL_TYPE Format of label used for sample for faunal bone collagen isotope analysis MEAN_d13C Mean faunal bone collagen sample d13C result from aliquots (‰) MEAN_d15N Mean faunal bone collagen sample d15N result from aliquots (‰) MEAN_C/N Mean faunal bone collagen sample C:N from aliquots STDEV d13C Standard deviation of faunal bone collagen sample d13C result from aliquots STDEV d15N Standard deviation of faunal bone collagen sample d15N result from aliquots STDEV C/N Standard deviation of faunal bone collagen sample C:N from aliquots TOTAL_SAMPLE_REPS Number of successful aliquots per faunal bone sample 4. Missing data codes: NA 5. Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: Date categories, based on English Heritage Guidelines for British Archaeological/Cultural Period GENERAL_DATE_CODE Period Approx. Start Date Approx. End Date 1 Neolithic -4000 -2200 2 Bronze Age -2600 -700 3 Iron Age -800 43 4 Roman 43 410 5 Early Medieval 410 1066 6 Medieval 1066 1540 7 Post Medieval 1540 1901 SPECIFIC_DATE_CODE Period Approx. Start Date Approx. End Date 1 Neolithic -4000 -2200 2 Bronze Age -2600 -700 3 Iron Age 800 43 4 Roman 43 410 5 Early Saxon 410 660 6 Middle Saxon 660 900 7 Late Saxon 900 1066 8 High Medieval 1066 1272 9 Later Medieval 1272 1540 10 Post Medieval 1540 1901 PLAGUE_CODE Period 1 Pre-1350 2 Post-1350 3 Contemporary (overlaps 1350) TAXON_CODE Taxon A Chicken/Domestic Fowl B Cow C Horse D Pig E Sheep/Goat F Cod G Cyprinid H Eel I Flatfish J Herring K Ling L Pike DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: ROSE_2020_CBG_HUMAN_ISOTOPE_DATA.csv 1. Number of variables: 248 2. Number of cases/rows: 585 3. Variable List: VARIABLE Description PSN Project Skeleton Number: unique identifier given by After the Plague project SITE_NAME Archaeological site name SITE_PARISH Archaeological site parish SITE_DISTRICT Archaeological site district SITE_COUNTY Archaeological site county SITE_GRIDREF Archaeological site grid reference SITE_CODE Archive archaeological site code Cat_num Archive catalogue number bur_feat Archive burial feature number skeleton Archive skeleton number site Code assigned to each site by After the Plague project SITENAME Short name assigned to each site by A.Rose Group Social group assigned by After the Plague project Long_duree_group Longue durée group assigned by Craig Cessford for After the Plague project LONG_DUREE Name assigned to longue durée groups by A.Rose Long_duree_Sub_group Code assigned to each site subgroup by Craig Cessford for After the Plague project SUBGROUP Labels assigned to site subgroups by A.Rose GENERAL_DATE_CODE Code for general archaeological/cultural period as assigned by A.Rose GEN_DATE General archaeological/cultural period assigned by A.Rose SPECIFIC_DATE_CODE Code for specific archaeological/cultural period as assigned by A.Rose SPEC_DATE Specific archaeological/cultural period assigned by A.Rose Pre_or_post_plague Likelihood of dying pre- or post-1350 as assigned by Craig Cessford for After the Plague project Medieval_y/n Skeleton dated to general Medieval period yes/no Date_range_modelled_954%_HPD Modelled likely date range for death as calculated by Craig Cessford for After the Plague project Start_date_(Medieval) Modelled likely start date of date range for death as calculated by Craig Cessford for After the Plague project End_date_(Medieval) Modelled likely end date of date range for death as calculated by Craig Cessford for After the Plague project Median_death_date Modelled likely median date of date range for death as calculated by Craig Cessford for After the Plague project Medieval_century Likely century of death as calculated by Craig Cessford for After the Plague project 13th_century Likelihood of dying in 13th century as calculated by Craig Cessford for After the Plague project 14th_century Likelihood of dying in 14th century as calculated by Craig Cessford for After the Plague project 15th_century Likelihood of dying in 15th century as calculated by Craig Cessford for After the Plague project Genetic_sex Sex estimation from DNA analysis by Freddi Scheib for After the Plague Project Sex_Macro Sex estimation from macroscopic analysis of skeletal remains by Sarah Inskip for After the Plague project Sex_MF Overall sex estimation male/female as assigned by Sarah Inskip for After the Plague project age_cat Overall adult/juvenile (18yr) age category as assigned by Sarah Inskip for After the Plague project Age_stage Age estimation from macroscopic analysis of skeletal remains as assigned by Sarah Inskip for After the Plague project AGE Labels assigned to age categories by A.Rose Broad__Age Broad adult age estimation from macroscopic analysis of skeletal remains as assigned by Sarah Inskip for After the Plague project Broad_Adult_Age Labels assigned to broad adult age categories by A.Rose COLLAGEN_SAMPLE_CAVEATS Notes relating to collagen isotope analysis ANALYTE Type of skeletal material analysed SKELETAL_ELEMENT_ANALYSED Skeletal element analysed RIB_COLLAGEN_SAMPLE_LABEL Label used for sample for rib collagen isotope analysis RIB_COLLAGEN_SAMPLE_LABEL_TYPE Format of label used for sample for rib collagen isotope analysis RIB_INITIAL_SAMPLE_WEIGHT(g) Initial weight of rib sample prior to wet chemistry (g) RIB_COLLAGEN_WEIGHT(g) Weight of rib collagen produced (g) RIB_COLLAGEN_YIELD(g) Yield of rib collagen produced (g) RIB_COLLAGEN_MEAN_d13C Mean rib collagen sample d13C result from aliquots (‰) RIB_COLLAGEN_MEAN_d15N Mean rib collagen sample d15N result from aliquots (‰) RIB_COLLAGEN_MEAN_C_N Mean rib collagen sample C:N from aliquots RIB_COLLAGEN_STDEV_d13C Standard deviation of rib collagen sample d13C result from aliquots RIB_COLLAGEN_STDEV_d15N Standard deviation of rib collagen sample d15N result from aliquots RIB_COLLAGEN_STDEV_C_N Standard deviation of rib collagen sample C:N from aliquots RIB_COLLAGEN_SAMPLE_REPS Number of successful aliquots per rib sample ANALYTE_1 Type of skeletal material analysed SKELETAL_ELEMENT_ANALYSED_1 Skeletal element analysed LONG_BONE_COLLAGEN_SAMPLE_LABEL Label used for sample for long bone collagen isotope analysis LONG_BONE_COLLAGEN_SAMPLE_LABEL_TYPE Format of label used for sample for long bone collagen isotope analysis LONG_BONE_INITIAL_SAMPLE_WEIGHT(g) Initial weight of long bone sample prior to wet chemistry (g) LONG_BONE_COLLAGEN_WEIGHT(g) Weight of long bone collagen produced (g) LONG_BONE_COLLAGEN_YIELD(g) Yield of long bone collagen produced (g) LONG_BONE_COLLAGEN_MEAN_d13C Mean long bone collagen sample d13C result from aliquots (‰) LONG_BONE_COLLAGEN_MEAN_d15N Mean long bone collagen sample d15N result from aliquots (‰) LONG_BONE_COLLAGEN_MEAN_C_N Mean long bone collagen sample C:N from aliquots LONG_BONE_COLLAGEN_STDEV_d13C Standard deviation of long bone collagen sample d13C result from aliquots LONG_BONE_COLLAGEN_STDEV_d15N Standard deviation of long bone collagen sample d15N result from aliquots LONG_BONE_COLLAGEN_STDEV_C_N Standard deviation of long bone collagen sample C:N from aliquots LONG_BONE_COLLAGEN_SAMPLE_REPS Number of successful aliquots per long bone sample ANALYTE_2 Type of skeletal material analysed SKELETAL_ELEMENT_ANALYSED_2 Skeletal element analysed DENTINE_ROOT_COLLAGEN_PORTION_ANALYSED Further information relating to skeletal element analysed (some dentine analysed from EDJ, some whole tooth) DENTINE_ROOT_COLLAGEN_SAMPLE_LABEL Label used for sample for dentine root collagen isotope analysis DENTINE_ROOT_COLLAGEN_SAMPLE_LABEL_TYPE Format of label used for sample for dentine root collagen isotope analysis DENTINE_ROOT_INITIAL_SAMPLE_WEIGHT(g) Initial weight of dentine root sample prior to wet chemistry (g) DENTINE_ROOT_COLLAGEN_WEIGHT(g) Weight of dentine root collagen produced (g) DENTINE_ROOT_COLLAGEN_YIELD(g) Yield of dentine root collagen produced (g) DENTINE_ROOT_COLLAGEN_MEAN_d13C Mean dentine root collagen sample d13C result from aliquots (‰) DENTINE_ROOT_COLLAGEN_MEAN_d15N Mean dentine root collagen sample d15N result from aliquots (‰) DENTINE_ROOT_COLLAGEN_MEAN_C_N Mean dentine root collagen sample C:N from aliquots DENTINE_ROOT_COLLAGEN_STDEV_d13C Standard deviation of dentine root collagen sample d13C result from aliquots DENTINE_ROOT_COLLAGEN_STDEV_d15N Standard deviation of dentine root collagen sample d15N result from aliquots DENTINE_ROOT_COLLAGEN_STDEV_C_N Standard deviation of dentine root collagen sample C:N from aliquots DENTINE_ROOT_COLLAGEN_SAMPLE_REPS Number of successful aliquots per dentine root sample ANALYTE_3 Type of skeletal material analysed SKELETAL_ELEMENT_ANALYSED_3 Skeletal element analysed DENTINE_COLLAGEN_PORTION_ANALYSED Further information relating to skeletal element analysed (some dentine analysed from EDJ, some whole tooth) DENTINE_COLLAGEN_SAMPLE_LABEL Label used for sample for dentine collagen isotope analysis DENTINE_COLLAGEN_SAMPLE_LABEL_TYPE Format of label used for sample for dentine collagen isotope analysis DENTINE_INITIAL_SAMPLE_WEIGHT(g) Initial weight of dentine sample prior to wet chemistry (g) DENTINE_COLLAGEN_WEIGHT(g) Weight of dentine collagen produced (g) DENTINE_COLLAGEN_YIELD(g) Yield of dentine collagen produced (g) DENTINE_COLLAGEN_MEAN_d13C Mean dentine collagen sample d13C result from aliquots (‰) DENTINE_COLLAGEN_MEAN_d15N Mean dentine collagen sample d15N result from aliquots (‰) DENTINE_COLLAGEN_MEAN_C_N Mean dentine collagen sample C:N from aliquots DENTINE_COLLAGEN_STDEV_D13c Standard deviation of dentine collagen sample d13C result from aliquots DENTINE_COLLAGEN_STDEV_d15N Standard deviation of dentine collagen sample d15N result from aliquots DENTINE_COLLAGEN_STDEV_C_N Standard deviation of dentine collagen sample C:N from aliquots DENTINE_COLLAGEN_SAMPLE_REPS Number of successful aliquots per dentine sample ENAMEL_CARBONATE_SAMPLE_CAVEATS Notes relating to enamel carbonate isotope analysis ANALYTE_4 Type of skeletal material analysed SKELETAL_ELEMENT_ANALYSED_4 Skeletal element analysed ENAMEL_CARBONATE_SAMPLE_LABEL Label used for sample for enamel carbonate isotope analysis ENAMEL_CARBONATE_SAMPLE_LABEL_TYPE Format of label used for sample for enamel carbonate isotope analysis ENAMEL_CARBONATE_MARY_PRICE_SAMPLE_LABEL Previous label used by Mary Price for some sample preparation ENAMEL_CARBONATE_INITAL_SAMPLE_WEIGHT(g) Initial weight of enamel powder sample prior to wet chemistry (g) ENAMEL_CARBONATE_PROCESSED_SAMPLE_WEIGHT(g) Weight of enamel powder sample after wet chemistry (g) ENAMEL_CARBONATE_PERCENT_SAMPLE_LOST Percentage of enamel powder sample lost during wet chemistry (%) ENAMEL_CARBONATE_SAMPLE_WEIGHT_TO_MS(g) Weight of enamel powder sample submitted to mass spec ENAMEL_CARBONATE_d13C_VPDB Enamel carbonate d13C VPDB result (‰) ENAMEL_CARBONATE_d18O_VPDB Enamel carbonate d18O VPDB result (‰) ENAMEL_CARBONATE_d18O_VSMOW_COPLEN_CALC Converted enamel carbonate d13C VSMOW (‰) using Coplen 1988 equation ENAMEL_PHOSPHATE_d18O_VSMOW_CHENERY_CALC Converted enamel phosphate VSMOW (‰) using Chenery 2012 and Coplen 1988 equations ENAMEL_METALS_SAMPLE_CAVEATS Notes related to enamel strontium concentration and isotope analysis, particularly if tooth was re-sampled for enamel ENAMEL_METALS_GENERALLY_USABLE_DATA Is the enamel strontium isotope data generally usable yes/no DO NOT USE RESULT IF NO ENAMEL_METALS_PARTICULAR_SAMPLING_FEATURES Notes on attributes of skeletons sampled and reasons for sampling ENAMEL_METALS_SAMPLING_PRIORITY Sampling priority for strontium isotope analysis see STRONTIUM_METADATA for more details ANALYTE_5 Type of skeletal material analysed ENAMEL_METALS_SKELETAL_ELEMENT_ANALYSED Skeletal element analysed SAMPLED Was enamel sampled yes/no Sampling_Comments Notes on initial enamel sampling ENAMEL_METALS_INITIAL_SAMPLE_WEIGHT(g) Initial enamel sample weight prior to leaching (g) ENAMEL_METALS_POST_LEACH_SAMPLE_WEIGHT(g) Enamel sample weight after leaching stage (g) DIGESTED Was enamel sample digested yes/no Digestion_Comments Notes on enamel digestion Repeated_Initial_Sampling Was digestion stage repeated yes/no ICP-OES Was sample analysed with ICP-OES yes/no ICP-OES_Comments Notes on ICP-OES analysis ENAMEL_METALS_ICP-OES_SAMPLE_LABEL Label used for enamel sample for ICP-OES analysis ENAMEL_METALS_ICP-OES_SAMPLE_LABEL_TYPE Format of label used for enamel sample for ICP-OES analysis Al_23732_ppm ICP-OES measured element concentrations by wavelength (ppm) Al_396152_ppm ICP-OES measured element concentrations by wavelength (ppm) Ba_455403_ppm ICP-OES measured element concentrations by wavelength (ppm) Ca_183944_ppm ICP-OES measured element concentrations by wavelength (ppm) Ca_315887_ppm ICP-OES measured element concentrations by wavelength (ppm) Ca_317933_ppm ICP-OES measured element concentrations by wavelength (ppm) Fe_2382_ppm ICP-OES measured element concentrations by wavelength (ppm) K_766491_ppm ICP-OES measured element concentrations by wavelength (ppm) Li_670783_ppm ICP-OES measured element concentrations by wavelength (ppm) Mg_279553_ppm ICP-OES measured element concentrations by wavelength (ppm) Mg_280270_ppm ICP-OES measured element concentrations by wavelength (ppm) Mg_285213_ppm ICP-OES measured element concentrations by wavelength (ppm) Mn_25761_ppm ICP-OES measured element concentrations by wavelength (ppm) Na_589592_ppm ICP-OES measured element concentrations by wavelength (ppm) Pb_220393_ppm ICP-OES measured element concentrations by wavelength (ppm) Si_251611_ppm ICP-OES measured element concentrations by wavelength (ppm) Sr_407773_ppm ICP-OES measured element concentrations by wavelength (ppm) Sr_421552_ppm ICP-OES measured element concentrations by wavelength (ppm) Ti_336122_ppm ICP-OES measured element concentrations by wavelength (ppm) Zn_213857_ppm ICP-OES measured element concentrations by wavelength (ppm) Al_23732_Ca_315887_mmol_mol ICP-OES element ratios calculated from concentrations (mmol/mol) Al_396152_C_315887_mmol_mol ICP-OES element ratios calculated from concentrations (mmol/mol) Ba_455403_Ca_315887_mmol_mol ICP-OES element ratios calculated from concentrations (mmol/mol) Fe_2382_Ca_315887_mmol_mol ICP-OES element ratios calculated from concentrations (mmol/mol) Fe_2382_Mg_285213_mol_mol ICP-OES element ratios calculated from concentrations (mmol/mol) K_766491_Ca_315887_mmol_mol ICP-OES element ratios calculated from concentrations (mmol/mol) Li_670783_Ca_315887_mmol_mol ICP-OES element ratios calculated from concentrations (mmol/mol) Mn_25761_Ca_315887_mmol_mol ICP-OES element ratios calculated from concentrations (mmol/mol) Mn_25761_Fe_2382_mol_mol ICP-OES element ratios calculated from concentrations (mmol/mol) Na_589592_Ca_315887_mmol_mol ICP-OES element ratios calculated from concentrations (mmol/mol) Pb_220393_Ca_315887_mmol_mol ICP-OES element ratios calculated from concentrations (mmol/mol) Ti_336122_Ca_315887_mmol_mol ICP-OES element ratios calculated from concentrations (mmol/mol) Zn_213857_Ca_315887_mmol_mol ICP-OES element ratios calculated from concentrations (mmol/mol) Mg_285213_Ca_315887_mmol_mol ICP-OES element ratios calculated from concentrations (mmol/mol) Sr_421552_Ca_315887_mmol_mol ICP-OES element ratios calculated from concentrations (mmol/mol) ENAMEL_METALS_Sr_CONC_PPM_HYDROXYAPATITE_Ca_wtpc Strontium concentration (ppm) in hydroxyapatite as calculated using Sr 421.552ppm/Ca315.887ppm*398406.374501992, as calculated by H.Bradbury ENAMEL_METALS_Sr_CONC_PPM_ENAMEL_Ca_wtpc_DRIESSENS Strontium concentration (ppm) in enamel as calculated using Sr 421.552ppm/Ca315.887ppm*366000.000, as calculated by A.Rose using Driessens and Verbeek 1990 COLUMNS Was enamel sample passed through column chemistry yes/no Column_Comments Notes on column chemistry COLUMN_REPEAT Was column chemistry repeated yes/no Column_Repeat_Comments Notes on column chemistry repeats FINAL_TIMS_RESULT Did enamel sample produce TIMS result yes/no ENAMEL_METALS_TIMS_SAMPLE_LABEL Label used for enamel sample for TIMS analysis ENAMEL_METALS_TIMS_SAMPLE_LABEL_TYPE Format of label used for enamel sample for TIMS analysis ENAMEL_METALS_87Sr_86Sr Enamel 87Sr/86Sr result ENAMEL_METALS_87Sr_86Sr_ROUNDED Enamel 87Sr/86Sr result rounded to 4dp ENAMEL_METALS_87Sr_86Sr_ERROR Machine error on enamel 87Sr/86Sr result ENAMEL_METALS_SAMPLE_CAVEATS_1 For repeats: Notes related to enamel strontium concentration and isotope analysis ENAMEL_METALS_GENERALLY_USABLE_DATA_YN_1 For repeats: Is the enamel strontium isotope data generally usable yes/no DO NOT USE RESULT IF NO ENAMEL_METALS_PARTICULAR_SAMPLING_FEATURES_1 For repeats: Notes on attributes of skeletons sampled and reasons for sampling ENAMEL_METALS_SAMPLE_PRIORITY_1 For repeats: Sampling priority for strontium isotope analysis see STRONTIUM_METADATA for more details ANALYTE_7 For repeats: Type of skeletal material analysed SKELETAL_ELEMENT_ANALYSED_7 For repeats: Skeletal element analysed SAMPLED_YN_1 For repeats: Was enamel sampled yes/no Sampling_Comments_1 For repeats: Notes on initial enamel sampling ENAMEL_METALS_INITIAL_SAMPLE_WEIGHT(g)_1 For repeats: Initial enamel sample weight prior to leaching (g) ENAMEL_METALS_POST_LEACH_SAMPLE_WEIGHT(g)_1 For repeats: Enamel sample weight after leaching stage (g) DIGESTED_YN_1 For repeats: Was enamel sample digested yes/no Digestion_Comments_1 For repeats: Notes on enamel digestion Repeated_Initial_Sampling_YN_1 For repeats: Was digestion stage repeated yes/no ICP-OES_YN_1 For repeats: Was sample analysed with ICP-OES yes/no ICP-OES_Comments_1 For repeats: Notes on ICP-OES analysis ENAMEL_METALS_ICP-OES_SAMPLE_LABEL_1 For repeats: Label used for enamel sample for ICP-OES analysis ENAMEL_METALS_ICP-OES_SAMPLE_LABEL_TYPE_1 For repeats: Format of label used for enamel sample for ICP-OES analysis Al_237_32_ppm_1 For repeats: ICP-OES measured element concentrations by wavelength (ppm) Al_396_152_ppm_1 For repeats: ICP-OES measured element concentrations by wavelength (ppm) Ba_455_403_ppm_1 For repeats: ICP-OES measured element concentrations by wavelength (ppm) Ca_183_944_ppm_1 For repeats: ICP-OES measured element concentrations by wavelength (ppm) Ca_315_887_ppm_1 For repeats: ICP-OES measured element concentrations by wavelength (ppm) Ca_317_933_ppm_1 For repeats: ICP-OES measured element concentrations by wavelength (ppm) Fe_238_2_ppm_1 For repeats: ICP-OES measured element concentrations by wavelength (ppm) K_766_491_ppm_1 For repeats: ICP-OES measured element concentrations by wavelength (ppm) Li_670_783_ppm_1 For repeats: ICP-OES measured element concentrations by wavelength (ppm) Mg_279_553_ppm_1 For repeats: ICP-OES measured element concentrations by wavelength (ppm) Mg_280_270_ppm_1 For repeats: ICP-OES measured element concentrations by wavelength (ppm) Mg_285_213_ppm_1 For repeats: ICP-OES measured element concentrations by wavelength (ppm) Mn_257_61_ppm_1 For repeats: ICP-OES measured element concentrations by wavelength (ppm) Na_589_592_ppm_1 For repeats: ICP-OES measured element concentrations by wavelength (ppm) Pb_220_393_ppm_1 For repeats: ICP-OES measured element concentrations by wavelength (ppm) Si 251_611_ppm_1 For repeats: ICP-OES measured element concentrations by wavelength (ppm) Sr_407_773_ppm_1 For repeats: ICP-OES measured element concentrations by wavelength (ppm) Sr_421_552_ppm_1 For repeats: ICP-OES measured element concentrations by wavelength (ppm) Ti_336_122_ppm_1 For repeats: ICP-OES measured element concentrations by wavelength (ppm) Zn_213_857_ppm_1 For repeats: ICP-OES measured element concentrations by wavelength (ppm) Al_237_32_Ca_315_887_mmol_mol_1 For repeats: ICP-OES element ratios calculated from concentrations (mmol/mol) Al_396_152_C_315_887_mmol_mol_1 For repeats: ICP-OES element ratios calculated from concentrations (mmol/mol) Ba_455_403_Ca_315_887_mmol_mol_1 For repeats: ICP-OES element ratios calculated from concentrations (mmol/mol) Fe_238_2_Ca_315_887_mmol_mol_1 For repeats: ICP-OES element ratios calculated from concentrations (mmol/mol) Fe_238_2_Mg_285_213_mol_mol_1 For repeats: ICP-OES element ratios calculated from concentrations (mmol/mol) K_766_491_Ca_315_887_mmol_mol_1 For repeats: ICP-OES element ratios calculated from concentrations (mmol/mol) Li_670_783_Ca_315_887_mmol_mol_1 For repeats: ICP-OES element ratios calculated from concentrations (mmol/mol) Mn_257_61_Ca_315_887_mmol_mol_1 For repeats: ICP-OES element ratios calculated from concentrations (mmol/mol) Mn_257_61_Fe_238_2_mol_mol_1 For repeats: ICP-OES element ratios calculated from concentrations (mmol/mol) Na_589_592_Ca_315_887_mmol_mol_1 For repeats: ICP-OES element ratios calculated from concentrations (mmol/mol) Pb_220_393_Ca_315_887_mmol_mol_1 For repeats: ICP-OES element ratios calculated from concentrations (mmol/mol) Ti_336_122_Ca_315_887_mmol_mol_1 For repeats: ICP-OES element ratios calculated from concentrations (mmol/mol) Zn_213_857_Ca_315_887_mmol_mol_1 For repeats: ICP-OES element ratios calculated from concentrations (mmol/mol) Mg_285_213_Ca_315_887_mmol_mol_1 For repeats: ICP-OES element ratios calculated from concentrations (mmol/mol) Sr_421_552_Ca_315_887_mmol_mol_1 For repeats: ICP-OES element ratios calculated from concentrations (mmol/mol) ENAMEL_METALS_Sr_CONC_PPM_(HYDROXYAPATITE_Ca_wtpc)_1 For repeats: Strontium concentration (ppm) in hydroxyapatite as calculated using Sr 421.552ppm/Ca315.887ppm*398406.374501992, as calculated by H.Bradbury ENAMEL_METALS_Sr_CONC_PPM_(ENAMEL_Ca_wtpc_DRIESSENS)_1 For repeats: Strontium concentration (ppm) in enamel as calculated using Sr 421.552ppm/Ca315.887ppm*366000.000, as calculated by A.Rose using Driessens and Verbeek 1990 COLUMNS_YN_1 For repeats: Was enamel sample passed through column chemistry yes/no Column_Comments_1 For repeats: Notes on column chemistry COLUMN_REPEAT_YN_1 For repeats: Was column chemistry repeated yes/no Column_Repeat_Comments_1 For repeats: Notes on column chemistry repeats FINAL_TIMS_RESULT_YN_1 For repeats: Did enamel sample produce TIMS result yes/no ENAMEL_METALS_TIMS_SAMPLE_LABEL_1 For repeats: Label used for enamel sample for TIMS analysis ENAMEL_METALS_TIMS_SAMPLE_LABEL_TYPE_1 For repeats: Format of label used for enamel sample for TIMS analysis ENAMEL_METALS_87Sr_86Sr_1 For repeats: Enamel 87Sr/86Sr result ENAMEL_METALS_87Sr_86Sr_ROUNDED_1 For repeats: Enamel 87Sr/86Sr result rounded to 4dp ENAMEL_METALS_87Sr_86Sr_ERROR_1 For repeats: Machine error on enamel 87Sr/86Sr result RIB_COLLAGEN_HF_D13C Human-faunal offset D13C result (‰) calculated from subtracting specific archaeological/cultural period herbivore mean bone collagen d13C from human d13C rib collagen value RIB_COLLAGEN_HF_D15N Human-faunal offset D15N result (‰) calculated from subtracting specific archaeological/cultural period herbivore mean bone collagen d13C from human d15N rib collagen value DENTINE_ROOT_COLLAGEN_HF_D13C Human-faunal offset D13C result (‰) calculated from subtracting specific archaeological/cultural period herbivore mean bone collagen d13C from human dentine collagen d13C value DENTINE_ROOT_COLLAGEN_HF_D15N Human-faunal offset D15N result (‰) calculated from subtracting specific archaeological/cultural period herbivore mean bone collagen d13C from human dentine collagen d15N value RIB_COLL_DENTINE_ROOT_COLL_D13C Rib-dent D13C (‰) result calculated from subtracting dentine root collagen d13C from rib collagen d13C RIB_COLL_DENTINE_ROOT_COLL_D15N Rib-dent D15N (‰) result calculated from subtracting dentine root collagen d15N from rib collagen d15N ENAMEL_CARB_DENTINE_ROOT_COLL_D13C Carb-coll D13C (‰) result calculated from subtracting dentine root d13C from enamel carbonate d13C ENAMEL_d180_DRINKING_WATER_VSMOW_CHENERY_CALC Converted enamel d18O dw (‰) using Chenery 2012 equation (Daux 4) 4. Missing data codes: NA 5. Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: Date categories, based on English Heritage Guidelines for British Archaeological/Cultural Period GENERAL_DATE_CODE Period Approx. Start Date Approx. End Date 1 Neolithic -4000 -2200 2 Bronze Age -2600 -700 3 Iron Age -800 43 4 Roman 43 410 5 Early Medieval 410 1066 6 Medieval 1066 1540 7 Post Medieval 1540 1901 SPECIFIC_DATE_CODE Period Approx. Start Date Approx. End Date 1 Neolithic -4000 -2200 2 Bronze Age -2600 -700 3 Iron Age 800 43 4 Roman 43 410 5 Early Saxon 410 660 6 Middle Saxon 660 900 7 Late Saxon 900 1066 8 High Medieval 1066 1272 9 Later Medieval 1272 1540 10 Post Medieval 1540 1901 PLAGUE_CODE Period 1 Pre-1350 2 Post-1350 3 Contemporary (overlaps 1350) Sex categories, based on Bradford Biological Anthropology Research Centre (BARC) sexing categories SEX_CODE Macroscopic Sex Estimation Sex Estimate 1 M Male 2 M? ?Male 3 Ukn/Ind Indeterminate 4 F? ?Female 5 F Female 6 NA Non-adult (too young to sex) Age estimation eategories, based on Bradford Biological Anthropology Research Centre (BARC) ageing categories Age_stage Age Age Range 0 Non-Adult (Unknown Age) <18 years 1 Foetus Under 40 weeks 2 Neonate Birth-1 month 3 Infant 1 month-12 months 4 Early Childhood 1-6 years 5 Late Childhood 7-12 years 6 Adolescent 13-17 years 7 Young Adult 18-25 years 8 Young Middle Adult 26-35 years 9 Old Middle Adult 36-45 years 10 Mature Adult 46-59 years 11 Old Adult 60+ years 12 Adult (Unknown Age) >18 years Broad_Age Broad Age Age Range NA Non-Adult 0-17 years YA Young Adult 18-25 years MA Middle Adult 26-45 years OA Old Adult 45+ years Expected Strontium isotope values for Cambridgesire, based on BGS Biosphere Isotope Domains Low High Expected Sr values for central Cambridge 0.7080 0.7090 Expected Sr values for just North or South 0.7090 0.7100 Expected Sr values for Cherry Hinton 0.7080 0.7090 General Strontium Sampling Comments Samples failed at multiple different stages, see caveats and comments sections for more details Some enamel chip samples repeated, either to check reproducibilty or due to sampling mix-up, see second set of full columns for repeat data ICP_OES and TIMS data kept as raw figures, rounding only in ENAMEL_METALS_87Sr/86Sr_ROUNDED column Strontium Sampling Priority Key 1 Strong reason of interest to study e.g. highlighted for osteobiography and/or good isotopic/DNA evidence 2 Sampled for all isotopes and/or good DNA coverage 3 Sampled for some isotopes, good candidate due to other reasons e.g. age/sex etc, does not necessarily have good DNA coverage (yet) 4 Extra samples to boost numbers, generally selected if they had been sampled for some isotopes and for age/sex balance ICP-OES Intensities - wavelengths used for calculating element ratios based on best r2 correlations Al 396.152 Ca 315.887 Mg 285.213 Sr 421.552 Calculations used to estimate weight proportion of Ca for Sr concentration (ppm) Ca P O H Atomic Mass 40 31 16 1 Nr in hydroxyapatite 5 3 13 1 Weight of element in hydroxyapatite 200 93 208 1 502 Weight proportion Ca in hydroxyapatite, as calculated by Harold Bradbury 0.398406375 Weight % Ca in hydroxyapatite 39.84063745 Weight % Ca in enamel, as calc by Driessens & Verbeeck 1990 in Combes et al 2016 36.6 DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: ROSE_2020_COMP_FAUNAL_ISOTOPE_DATA.csv 1. Number of variables: 27 2. Number of cases/rows: 2244 3. Variable List: VARIABLE Description ID Unique identifier as assigned by A.Rose REFERENCE Publication reference (bibliography available in appendices of Rose 2020) SITE_NAME Archaeological site name SITE_PARISH Archaeological site parish SITE_DISTRICT Archaeological site district SITE_COUNTY Archaeological site county SITE_COUNTRY Archaeological site country SITE_GRID_REF Archaeological site grid reference DATE Date range as given in publication CENTURY General century as assigned by A.Rose TIME_PERIOD General time period as given in publication GENERAL_DATE_CODE Code for general archaeological/cultural period as assigned by A.Rose SPECIFIC_DATE_CODE Code for specific archaeological/cultural period as assigned by A.Rose SPECIFIC_DATE_CODELAB Label assigened to specific archaeological/cultural period by A.Rose PLAGUE_CODE Code for pre/post-1350 as assigned by A.Rose SAMPLE_NR Sample number as given in publication TYPE Terrestrial or aquatic TAXON_REPORTED Taxon as given in publication TAXON Taxon as assigned by A.Rose TAXON_CODE Code for taxon as assigned by A.Rose ELEMENT_SAMPLED Skeletal element sampled as given in publication COLLAGEN_YIELD Yield of faunal bone collagen produced (g) %C Faunal Bone collagen carbon (%) d13C Faunal Bone collagen d13C (‰) %N Faunal Bone collagen nitrogen (%) d15N Faunal Bone collagen d15N (‰) C:N Faunal Bone collagen C:N 4. Missing data codes: NA 5. Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: Codes assigned (e.g. GENERAL_DATE_CODE) are same as those for ROSE_2020_CBG_FAUNAL_ISOTOPE_DATA.csv DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: ROSE_2020_COMP_HUMAN_ISOTOPE_DATA.csv 1. Number of variables: 70 2. Number of cases/rows: 1290 3. Variable List: VARIABLE Description ID Unique identifier as assigned by A.Rose MED_SITE_ID Code assigned to High/Late Medieval sites by A.Rose REFERENCE Publication reference (bibliography available in appendices of Rose 2020) SITE_NAME Archaeological site name SITE_PARISH Archaeological site parish SITE_DISTRICT Archaeological site district SITE_COUNTY Archaeological site county SITE_COUNTRY Archaeological site country SITE_GRID_REF Archaeological site grid reference SITE_TYPE General site type PERSON_NOTES Notes on specific individual sampled PHASE Archaeological phase as given in publication RADIOCARBON_95 Radiocarbon date as given in publication DATE Date range as given in publication CENTURY General century as assigned by A.Rose TIME_PERIOD General time period as given in publication GENERAL_DATE_CODE Code for general archaeological/cultural period as assigned by A.Rose GEN_DATE Label for general archaeological/cultural period as assigned by A.Rose SPECIFIC_DATE_CODE Code for specific archaeological/cultural period as assigned by A.Rose SPEC_DATE Label for specific archaeological/cultural period as assigned by A.Rose PRE_OR_POST_1350 Pre- or post-1350 as assigned by A.Rose PLAGUE_CODE Code for pre/post-1350 as assigned by A.Rose SKELETON_NUMBER Skeleton number as given in publication GRAVE_NUMBER Grave number as given in publication BURIAL_NUMBER Burial number as given in publication FEATURE_NUMBER Feature number as given in publication AGE Age estimation as given in publication SEX Sex estimation as given in publication ADULT_YN Is individual an adult (>18yr) yes/no as assigned by A.Rose BROAD_AGE Broad age category as assigned by A.Rose SEX_CODE Code for sex estimation as assigned by A.Rose ELEMENT_SAMPLED Skeletal element sampled as given in publication RIB_COLLAGEN_YIELD Yield of rib collagen produced (g) RIB_COLLAGEN_%C Rib collagen carbon (%) RIB_COLLAGEN_MEAN_d13C Rib collagen d13C (‰) RIB_COLLAGEN_%N Rib collagen nitrogen (%) RIB_COLLAGEN_MEAN_d15N Rib collagen d15N (‰) RIB_COLLAGEN_C:N Rib collagen C:N RIB_COLLAGEN_HF_D13C Human-faunal offset D13C result (‰) calculated from subtracting specific archaeological/cultural period herbivore mean bone collagen d13C from human rib collagen d13C value by A.Rose RIB_COLLAGEN_HF_D15N Human-faunal offset D15N result (‰) calculated from subtracting specific archaeological/cultural period herbivore mean bone collagen d13C from human rib collagen d15N value by A.Rose ELEMENT_SAMPLED Skeletal element sampled as given in publication BONE_COLLAGEN_YIELD Yield of bone collagen produced (g) BONE_COLLAGEN_%C Bone collagen carbon (%) BONE_COLLAGEN_d13C Bone collagen d13C (‰) BONE_COLLAGEN_%N Bone collagen nitrogen (%) BONE_COLLAGEN_d15N Bone collagen d15N (‰) BONE_COLLAGEN_C:N Bone collagen C:N ELEMENT_SAMPLED Skeletal element sampled as given in publication DENTINE_COLLAGEN_YIELD Yield of dentine collagen produced (g) DENTINE_COLLAGEN_%C Dentine collagen carbon (%) DENTINE_COLLAGEN_d13C Dentine collagen d13C (‰) DENTINE_COLLAGEN_%N Dentine collagen nitrogen (%) DENTINE_COLLAGEN_d15N Dentine collagen d15N (‰) DENTINE_COLLAGEN_C:N Dentine collagen C:N ELEMENT_SAMPLED Skeletal element sampled as given in publication ENAMEL_d13Cc_PDB Enamel carbonate d13C VPDB (‰) ENAMEL_d18Oc_PDB Enamel carbonate d18O VPDB (‰) ENAMEL_d18Oc_SMOW Enamel carbonate d18O VSMOW (‰) ENAMEL_d18Op_SMOW Enamel phosphate d18O VSMOW (‰) ENAMEL_d18Odw_SMOW d18Odw VSMOW (‰) ENAMEL_86Sr_87Sr Enamel 87Sr/86Sr ENAMEL_Sr_ppm Enamel strontium concentration (ppm) ELEMENT_SAMPLED Skeletal element sampled as given in publication d13Cc_PDB Carbonate d13C VPDB (‰) d18Oc_PDB Carbonate d18O VPDB (‰) d18Oc_SMOW Carbonate d18O VSMOW (‰) d18Op_SMOW Phosphate d18O VSMOW (‰) d18Odw_SMOW d18Odw VSMOW (‰) 86Sr/87Sr 87Sr/86Sr Sr_ppm Strontium concentration (ppm) 4. Missing data codes: NA 5. Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: Codes assigned (e.g. GENERAL_DATE_CODE) are same as those for ROSE_2020_CBG_HUMAN_ISOTOPE_DATA.csv