{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1404\cocoasubrtf470 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;} \paperw11900\paperh16840\margl1440\margr1440\vieww10800\viewh8400\viewkind0 \pard\tx720\tx1440\tx2160\tx2880\tx3600\tx4320\tx5040\tx5760\tx6480\tx7200\tx7920\tx8640\pardirnatural\partightenfactor0 \f0\fs24 \cf0 Research project: Opinion of Intensive Care Professionals on Glycaemic Control (sub-study of a larger study, GlyCon)\ \ Description: This dataset is a csv file for the Research project "Opinion of Intensive Care Professionals on Glycaemic Control", a sub-study of a larger study known as GlyCon. The study was a short online survey to nurses and physicians working in seven intensive care units of the Mid Trent Critical Care Network (UK), between 1st December 2014 and 31st March 2015. The anonymised dataset is being released in full to allow re-use by others. Full details on the methodology and analysis of the results are available from http://eprints.nottingham.ac.uk/42920/\ \ Details \ Methodology: Short online survey to Intensive Care professionals of seven intensive care units within the UK\ Instrument: Survey developed for this study (see full details in http://eprints.nottingham.ac.uk/42920/) \ Tool: Bristol Online Surveys Tool (https://www.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/)\ Setting: seven intensive care units of the Mid Trent Critical Care Network of the UK\ Participants: Nurses and physicians working in the seven participating intensive care units of the Mid Trent Critical Care Network of the UK\ Shared data: Anonymised answers to the survey\ \ Ethics: Ethical approval from a Research Ethics Committee of the National Health Service of England (Approval reference number: 14/EM/0177); permissions from the Research and Development department of each of the participating hospitals; and sponsorship by the University of Nottingham.}